Thursday, April 10, 2008

Dennehy, Day 6

The term. Dennehy-ed. Verb. Dennehy has a Latin origin meaning awesome, barrel-chested lothario. The introduction of the word to the English language occurred after the coloquialization of a standard Dennehy bar move, the Dennehy.

The Dennehy consists of 5 basic steps.
  1. Enter a bar
  2. Order a double bourbon on the rocks
  3. Make a eye contact with a woman
  4. Take that woman home after slamming the double bourbon
  5. Laying that woman, then returning the bar to repeat or drink with friends.*

Upon returning to the bar, Brian Dennehy slams another double bourbon and screams, "I dennehy-ed that *****!" while taking photographs with children.

Mere mortal men have "dennehy-ed" women, but at a rate far below that of Lord Brian Dennehy. For this reason, the term has slowly gained popularity. In fact, it is a secret passed on between gents after one has "dennehy-ed" and not yet coined a term for the phrase. Sample inaction below:

"You're back already?"

"Yeah. She was beautiful, but its only 8:15. Who do I look like Kirk Cameron?"

"Man, that is awesome. You slept with a woman and now you are back pounding drinks with the boys."

"That is awesome. We have to come up with a name for this."

(instant silence)

"There is a name for that...dennehy-ed. Named after Brian Dennehy. He dennehy-ed enough women on St. Patrick's Day to improve the sale of Valtrex 1o fold. But don't sell youself short. I mean you're not silver haired or barrel-chested either."

(sigh) "I know."

*You may be wondering why Brian Dennehy would return to drink with his friends. This actually happened once in 1989. Dennehy started early at the bar and dennehy-ed able bodied woman there. He considered a tryst with a polar bear, but decided it didn't have enough chest hair or barrel-chestedness.

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